Wednesday, December 23, 2009



Có một loài sen khá lạ mọc lên tại ao của ngôi chùa nhỏ ở Đồng Tháp thu hút khá đồng người đến tham quan, thưởng lãm. Đó là chùa Phước Kiển, xã Hòa Tân, huyện Châu Thành (Đồng Tháp), cách TT. Nha Mân hơn 15 cây số. Điều đặc biệt của loài sen này là người đứng lên lá không chìm. Giác Ngộ Online xin gởi đến quý độc giả chùm ảnh về loài sen này do tác giả Ngọc Dung thực hiện. Rất mong tiếp tục nhận ảnh cộng tác từ Chư tôn đức Tăng Ni và bạn đọc gần xa.

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Sen chiếm diện tích lớn ao của chùa

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Lá sen to quá khổ

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To bằng cái nia, vành cong lên cả tấc tay trông rất đẹp mắt

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Người có thể đứng lên được

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Hoa sen cũng rất đặc biệt

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Làm điệu cùng sen lạ

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Con trai cũng không ngoại lệ

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Chị và mẹ hái sen

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Thương quá một góc ao quê

Ngọc Dung ( the image at:

tên khoa học: Victoria amazonica, tên thông dụng: Giant Amazon Water Lily

Hardiness: Tropical
Height: 6"
Flower: Night blooming; very free flowering; 9 to 12" flowers creamy white the first day, become pink the second, then purplish red the third day before dying; double; strongly fragrant
Foliage: Sharp spines on stems and underside of leaves; 4 to 6' yellowish green leaves; edges turn up to form a rim; underside of leaf is coppery red
Comments: Nonviviparous; spread of 15 to 20'File:Victoria amazonica JPG01.jpg

Victoria amazonica

victoria amazonica water lily


Tên khoa học(Scientific names) của vài cây & hoa trong ao vườn(Water Garden):

Acorus calamus 'Aureovariegatus', Sweet flag
Acorus calamus 'Variegatus', Variegated sweet flag
Acorus gramimineus, Dwarf sweet flag
Acorus gramimineus, Grassy-leaved sweet flag; Japanese rush
Alisma plantgoaquatica; A. subcordatum, Water plantain
Arundo domax 'Variegata', Giant variegated Mediterranean rush
Azolla caroliniana, Fairy moss
Baumea rubiginosa 'Variegata', Variegated rush
Brasenia schreberi, Water shield; Water target
Canna americanallis, Canna
Canna glauca, Canna
Colocasia esculenta, Elephant ears; Green taro
Crinum americanum, Southern swamp lily
Cyperus alternifolius (Cyperus involucratus), Umbrella palm; Umbrella plant
Cyperus papyrus, Egyptian paper reed; Giant papyrus
Cyperus prolifer (Cyperus isocladus), Miniature cyperus; Dwarf papyrus
Dichichium colorata, Star grass
Eichornia crassipes, Water hyacinth
Eleocharis montevidensis, Spike rush
Eleocharis quadrangulata, Square rush
Equisetum hyemale, Horsetail; Souring rush
Equisetum scorpoides, Dwarf Horsetail
Eriophorum angustifolium, Cotton grass
Euryale ferox, Gorgon plant
Euryale ferox, Prickly water lily; Gorgon plant
Hibiscus moschuetos, Rose mallow; Swamp hibiscus; Swamp rose mallow
Houttuynia cordata, Chameleon plant; Rainbow plant
Hydrocleys nymphoides, Water poppy
Hydrocotyle americana, Water pennywort
Hymenocallis caroliniana, Spider lily
Hymenocallis crassifolia; H. occidentalis, Spider lily
Ipomea batatas, Water spinach
Iris ensata; I. kaempferi, Japanese water iris
Iris virginica, Southern blue flag iris
Juncus effusus 'Spiralis', Corkscrew rush
Juncus effusus, Green bull rush; Japanese mat rush; Soft rush
Lemna minor, Lesser duckweed
Lobelia cardinalis, Cardinal flower
Ludwigia longifolia, Primrose willow
Ludwigia sidioides, Mosaic plant
Lysimachia numularia, Creeping Jenny
Marsilea mutica 'Variegata', Variegated water clover
Mimulus ringens, Lavender musk
Myosotis scorpioides, Water forget-me-not
Myriophyllum aquaticum, Parrot feather
Nymphaea 'Albert Greenburg', Albert Greenburg water lily
Nymphaea 'Antares', Antares water lily
Nymphaea 'Arc-en-Ciel', Arc-en-Ciel water lily
Nymphaea 'Attraction', Attraction water lily
Nymphaea 'Bagdad', Bagdad water lily
Nymphaea 'Blue Beauty', Blue Beauty water lily; Pennsylvania water lily
Nymphaea 'Bob Trickett', Bob Trickett water lily
Nymphaea 'Charlene Strawn', Charlene Strawn water lily
Nymphaea 'Charles de Meurville', Charles de Meurville water lily
Nymphaea 'Colorado', Colorado water lily
Nymphaea 'Colossea', Colossea water lily
Nymphaea 'Comanche', Comanche water lily
Nymphaea 'Conqueror', Conqueror water lily
Nymphaea 'Cynthia Ann', Cynthia Ann water lily
Nymphaea 'Darwin', Darwin water lily
Nymphaea 'Daubeniana', Dauben water lily; Daubeniana water lily
Nymphaea 'Director George T. Moore', Director George T. Moore water lily
Nymphaea 'Edward D. Uber', Edward D. Uber water lily
Nymphaea 'Ellisiana', Ellisiana water lily
Nymphaea 'Emily Grant Hutchings', Emily Grant Hutchings water lily
Nymphaea 'Firecrest', Firecrest water lily
Nymphaea 'Froebeli', Froebeli water lily
Nymphaea 'General Pershing', General Pershing water lily
Nymphaea 'Georgia Peach', Georgia Peach water lily
Nymphaea 'Gladstone', Gladstone water lily
Nymphaea 'Gloriosa', Gloriosa water lily
Nymphaea 'Green Smoke', Green Smoke water lily
Nymphaea 'Helvola', Helvola water lily; Yellow Pygmy water lily
Nymphaea 'Hybrid Hardy Yellow', Hardy Yellow water lily
Nymphaea 'Innerlight', Innerlight water lily
Nymphaea 'Isabelle Pring', Isabelle Pring water lily
Nymphaea 'James Brydon', James Brydon water lily
Nymphaea 'Joanne Pring', Joanne Pring water lily
Nymphaea 'Joey Tomocick', Joey Tomocick water lily
Nymphaea 'Judge Hitchcock', Judge Hitchcock water lily
Nymphaea 'Lemon Chiffon', Lemon Chiffon water lily
Nymphaea 'Leopardess', Leopardess water lily
Nymphaea 'Lily Pons', Lily Pons water lily
Nymphaea 'Louise', Louise water lily
Nymphaea 'Luciana', Luciana water lily; Pink Beauty water lily
Nymphaea 'Lucida', Lucida water lily
Nymphaea 'Madame Ganna Walska', Madame Ganna Walska water lily
Nymphaea 'Mayla', Mayla water lily
Nymphaea 'Midnight', Midnight water lily
Nymphaea 'Missouri', Missouri water lily
Nymphaea 'Moorei', Moorei water lily
Nymphaea 'Mount Shasta', Mount Shasta water lily
Nymphaea 'Mrs. Martin E. Randig', Mrs. Martin E. Randig water lily
Nymphaea 'Newton', Newton water lily
Nymphaea 'Odorata', Odorata water lily
Nymphaea 'Pamela', Pamela water lily
Nymphaea 'Panama Pacific', Panama Pacific water lily
Nymphaea 'Peachglow', Peachglow water lily
Nymphaea 'Perry's Baby Red', Perry's Baby Red water lily
Nymphaea 'Perry's Fire Opal', Perry's Fire Opal water lily
Nymphaea 'Perry's Red Wonder', Perry's Red Wonder water lily
Nymphaea 'Peter Slocum', Peter Slocum water lily
Nymphaea 'Pink Opal', Pink Opal water lily
Nymphaea 'Pink Platter', Pink Platter water lily
Nymphaea 'Pink Sensation', Pink Sensation water lily
Nymphaea 'Queen of Whites', Queen of Whites water lily
Nymphaea 'Radiant Red', Radiant Red water lily
Nymphaea 'Ray Davies', Ray Davies water lily
Nymphaea 'Rose Arey', Rose Arey water lily
Nymphaea 'Rosennymphe', Rosennymphe water lily
Nymphaea 'Rosy Morn', Rosy Morn water lily
Nymphaea 'Shirley Bryne', Shirley Bryne water lily
Nymphaea 'Sioux', Sioux water lily
Nymphaea 'Sirius', Sirius water lily
Nymphaea 'Splendida', Splendida water lily
Nymphaea 'St. Louis Gold', St. Louis Gold water lily
Nymphaea 'St. Louis', St. Louis water lily
Nymphaea 'Starbright', Starbright water lily
Nymphaea 'Sultan', Sultan water lily
Nymphaea 'Texas Dawn', Texas Dawn water lily
Nymphaea 'Tina', Tina water lily
Nymphaea 'Venus', Venus water lily
Nymphaea 'Virginalis', Virginalis water lily
Nymphaea 'Virginia', Virginia water lily
Nymphaea 'William Falconer', William Falconer water lily
Nymphaea 'Yellow Dazzler', Yellow Dazzler water lily
Nymphaea colorata, Colorata water lily; Blue Pigmy water lily
Nymphaea x marliacea 'Carnea', Carnea water lily
Nymphaea x marliacea 'Chromatella', Chromatella water lily; Golden Cup water lily; Marlic Yellow water lily
Nymphoides pelatum, Floating heart
Nymphoides pelatum, Yellow floating heart; Yellow water fringe
Orontium aquaticum, Golden club
Pistia stratiotes, Water lettuce
Pontederia cordata, Pickerel weed
Ranunclus flammula, Lesser spearwort; Miniature spearwort
Sagittaria lancifolia, Lanceleaved arrowhead
Sagittaria latifolia, Duck potato
Saururus cernuus, American swamp lily; Lizard's tail
Scripus laustris subsp. tabernaemontani 'Zebrinus', Zebra rush
Thalia dealbata, Hardy canna; Powdery thalia
Typha angustifolia, Narrow leaved cattail
Typha latifolia, Common cattail
Utricularia, Bladderwort
Victoria 'Longwood Hybrid', Longwood Hybrid Victoria lily
Victoria amazonica, Giant water lily; Amazon water lily
Victoria cruziana, Santa Cruz water lily
Wolffia spp., Water meal
Zantedeschia aethiopica, Calla lily

Victoria amazonica is the largest water lily in the world. Lilies are especially abundant in the várzea during the flood season. When the water is low, the seeds will survive drought and herbivores (such as fish) in pools on the várzea called poços (1). In the Brazilian Amazon,Victoria amazonica seeds and rhizomes are important items consumed by riverine inhabitants (2) The root, stem and seed of the lily are all edible, and the species is also used in traditional medicine (3).


(2) Piedade, MTF, Junk, WJ (2000) Sustainable Management of Species Diversity and Primary Production of Herbaceous Plants of the Central Amazon Floodplain. German-Brazilian Workshop on Neotropical Ecosystems – Achievements and Prospects of Cooperative Research Hamburg. Session 6: Concepts and Paradigms for Management of Ecosystem Resources

(3) Castner, JL, Timme, SL and Duke, JA (1998) A field guide to Medicinal and Useful Plants of the Upper Amazon. 154 p.

big water lily by Diddis.
water lily by Diddis.

Charlene Strawn Water Lily, Yellow (Nymphaea 'Charlene Strawn')
Strawn Water Lily, Yellow (Nymphaea 'Charlene Strawn')

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